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HomeRepair of doormats

Repair of doormats



     You keep your doormat in good condition, but despite of this it may need repair. Not every doormat StepMat could be repaired, but when it is possible and economically justified we will take care.

     Replacing the inserts coul change the functionality of your doormat. You can put it in a new location (other area) and in different configuration of doormats. You may just want a different look, color or size.
We can advise you. For convenience, the possible repairs and changes according doormats StepMat, are described below.



The textile and rubber inserts could be replaced. The wearing out of a THREE-row brush insert is rather unlikely, but if necessary, it also could be replaced. There is a possibility for placing an optional insert - textiles, rubber or THREE-row brush.
It should be borne in mind that if a material is added, there will be noticeable difference between the new and the one which has already been exposed to weathering.


Replacement of profile - SINGLE line brush when it is necessary, includes obligatory changing of the profile itself, not only of the insert.

Replacement of aluminum profiles – it may be necessary if a car had passed through the doormat or at any other reason the doormat has been subjected to intense pressure and profiles are crushed or severely bent.



Repair of doormat type OPENED could not be done. The production process does not allow.



For a doormat TEN could be done only replacement of textile or rubber inserts.
Unfortunately, at the moment the repair period is at least 30 days.



Complete repair (replacing of profiles) of doormats type BRUSH is not effective. Such a repair can rationalize only in case you need to replace one or more damaged profiles of a relatively new doormat.


TEXTILE doormats:

In textile doormats borne in mind their transportation the repair would be expensive. However, on these doormats it is possible to be necessary remodeling, reduction or extension. It should be borne in mind that if you add material there will be a noticeable difference between the new and the one which has already been exposed to weathering.
Price for repair of textile doormat can be determined depending on the need.



In stair edge strips we are offering replacement of the rubber insert. It can be bought through the on-line shop.



The transportation of the doormats is on customer’s costs in both directions. The point where the doormats should be transported is the town of Bucurest.
The transportation could be done with transport of StepMat (Furtunuri Group Ltd), as for this service is paid an advance agreed price, depending on the distance and location of the object. Customer may, deliver and receive the refurbished doormat with his own transport from our address in the town of Bucurest.